This is a Japanese short educational TV program for children. It is almost 17 years old and the producers are university professors and their student’s team. They hold a camp for creating the program twice a year at the TV studio. The theme is “Think for yourself!” Every time, viewers enjoy guessing unique systems of moving toys.
I will tell you an interesting story about this short movie. When I worked as a school teacher, a coworker who was a Japanese language teacher loved PITA-GORA-Switch. She had a collection of all of the episodes of this children’s show. One day, she lent me 10 DVDs. I was not interested in the show, however, she highly recommended it me. As a result, I decided to watch them. Surprisingly, the short movie impressed me a lot. The reason was that I understood the creators’ passion for creating interesting structureS.They tried to do them at least over 150 times. I was impressed by their efforts to make this exceptional program.